"An Island Surrounded by Land": Adventures in Paraguay

A chronicled account of the happenings in Chris and Marisa's lives during their two-year, three-month stint with the Peace Corps in Paraguay, South America. Disclaimer: Nothing written here should be interpreted as official or unofficial Peace Corps literature or as sanctioned by the Peace Corps or the U.S. government in any way. We have chosen to write about our experiences online in order to update family and friends. These are the views solely belonging to Chris and Marissa.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

"I'm the Boss, Need the Info"

So, our packet has finally arrived! Actually it arrived yesterday, but we've just been so busy, that we haven't been able to update this until now.

Our assignments are as follows:
Chris' official job title is "Environmental Educator", which means he will be working a lot with children and teachers at schools, trying to educate them about how to better treat the environment so that they have resources for future generations to come, etc., etc. It's a pretty general assignment and he will also be doing some gardening (probably around a school) and maybe even helping out with managing a protected area such as a reserve or park. Then there's secondary projects which could be almost anything from cooking, nutrition, soap making, or recycling. That sort of stuff.

My job title is "Crop Extentionist". Basically agriculture. I will be working with farmers and their families to teach them better farming practices. This could be anything from working with green-manures, to crop rotation techniques so that not all the nutrients are depleted from the soil, thus ending with fallow soil which would produce nothing. The overall goal is enhanced crop production, not just for personal consumption, but also as a possible source of income. It sounds challening and exciting. People who are used to doing things one way, especially when their whole entire livelihood depends on it, are sometimes resistant to change. This is why we both need to become fairly proficient in the native language-Guarani, which will be the key to effective communication (obviously).

We are also in the midst of planning our 3-week road trip which should be a blast. Three weeks, 5 thousand miles, and lots of family to see and things to do. We will be e-mailing people shortly to let you know when we will be coming to your neck of the woods.

In the meantime, so many things to take care of! We already found a renter for the house and are finding homes for our kitties. It's really hard to leave all of the life you've known for the last couple of years behind. But we are totally ready for a BIG change.


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