"An Island Surrounded by Land": Adventures in Paraguay

A chronicled account of the happenings in Chris and Marisa's lives during their two-year, three-month stint with the Peace Corps in Paraguay, South America. Disclaimer: Nothing written here should be interpreted as official or unofficial Peace Corps literature or as sanctioned by the Peace Corps or the U.S. government in any way. We have chosen to write about our experiences online in order to update family and friends. These are the views solely belonging to Chris and Marissa.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Hangover Sunday


remember how you always tell yourself when you're hung-over that you'll never drink again? (no, this does not apply to chris) well, some things just never change.

nevertheless, i am here at work and functioning.

chris and i went to a great party last night. it was an eighties party at this guy, tom's house. and man, what a house. the thing looks exactly like a bar, inside and out! complete with full service bar, pool table, seedy poker room, betting tables, an outside area and a great sound system, etc., etc. and yes, the alcohol was a-flowing. i guess this is the sort of thing that you can accomplish when you are not married and have no children. you can just spend your money on cool things you like.

anyway, it was really fun and we had a great last saturday night in flag before we leave for the road trip on friday.


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